
A noun is commonly called a noun phrase. A noun phrase can be a single word noun or longer than a single word with an adjective (It describes the noun).

Eg) A Mother loves their children.

In the above sentence, Mother is the noun phrase.

Eg)A good man takes care of his family.

In the above sentence, A good man is the noun phrase.

Now let us discuss the kinds of nouns.

Proper noun

                             A  Proper noun is a name of a particular person or thing. It is a name used for any individual person or thing. It is the name used for any individual person, place, city, lake, sea, mountain, etc.

Eg)Tanya, Steve, India, USA, Paris, Pacific Ocean.

Common noun

                            A Common noun is not a name of a particular person or thing but it refers to a person or thing of the same kind or class.
Eg)Boy, Movie.

Collective noun 

                         As the name suggests, it is the name of a group of people or things.
Eg) Team, Jury, Bouquet.

Material noun

                        It is the name of a material, substance, or ingredient things are made of.
Eg)Juice, Coffee, Salt.

Abstract noun

                           These are the nouns that have the name of qualities found in various kinds of objects. It can be only felt and cannot be seen or touched.
Eg) Fear, Sweetness, Anger, Love 

There are two types of nouns based on countability    

  • Countable nouns
  • Uncountable nouns

Countable nouns:

Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted. It answers the  question “How many?”Common Nouns and Collective Nouns are generally Countable nouns.
Eg) A Pen         One Pen      Four Pens

I have ten pens.

How many pens do you have?

Uncountable Nouns:

Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted. It answers the question “How much”? The quantity of the uncountable nouns can be referred by the units of measurement such as liter, pound, etc.
Material Nouns and Abstract nouns are called Uncountable Nouns.
Eg)Salt, Ghee, Water.

Please give me a liter of milk.

How much milk do you need?

You may wonder:

  • Proper noun can be used as countable nouns.

       Eg)There are two Indias, the rural and the urban.

  • To use nouns as both countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

       Eg)          Uncountable                                     Countable

                     I love coffee.               Please bring me a cup of coffee.

                     Drink water.                              Bring a glass of water

Nouns: Based on Number

Based on the number, it is classified as 

  • Singular (One)
  • Plural (More than One)

Eg for Singular nouns: a pen, a cup.

Eg for Plural nouns: Oranges, Books, one and half years(more than one stands for plural).

Nouns: Based on gender

There are four different kinds of nouns based on gender.

  1. Masculine(Indicates Male)
  2. Feminine(Indicates Female)
  3. Common(Both male and female)
  4. Neuter(neither male and female)

Eg: Masculine – Boy, Brother, Grand Father, Bull.

       Feminine – Girl, Sister, Grand Mother, Cow.

       Common – Doctor, Astronaut, Student.

       Neuter – Flower, Table, Chair.

Nouns: Possessive Case:

        Possessive Case is used to stress some sort of ownership or relationship of someone or something. There are two ways to form the possessive case.

  • Noun + ‘s

       Eg)This is Tony’s Car.

              She is Susan’s Mom.

  • of + Noun

            It is used commonly with non-living things and it refers that a particular thing is a part of a whole.

         Eg)The wall of this house is not properly built.

In the above example, house and wall go hand in hand with each other. It is not fair to use House’s Wall.

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