Modal Auxiliaries

The modal verbs are used to express possibility. Some of the modal verbs are Can Could May Might Must Shall Should Will Would Ought to Can/Could Can is used to express power, ability, capacity to do something. Eg) Only God can teach him a lesson This water bottle can hold two litres. She can studyContinue reading “Modal Auxiliaries”

Singular and Plural Nouns

Singular means one. Eg) one apple, one crow. Plural means more than one. Eg) apples, crows, one and a half years(more than one means plural. Some of the tips and tricks to crack this topic:- The simple trick is to add an -s to the singular. Eg) Book      Books Page       Pages If the noun ends in s,Continue reading “Singular and Plural Nouns”

Articles and Usage

Cheer up Guys! We’re going to see about Articles. An article (a/an/the) is a determiner. A determiner signals the coming of a noun after it. Articles are mostly used with nouns. Examples: This is a pen She drinks juice [Omission of an article before an uncountable nouns such as material nouns and abstract nouns] ItContinue reading “Articles and Usage”


An adjective describes a noun. General Format: Adjective + noun Eg) a calm sea, a handsome boy In the above examples, calm and handsome are the adjectives. Calm describes the nature of sea and handsome describes the looks of the boy. Kinds of Adjectives There are five different kinds of activities. Adjectives of Quality ItContinue reading “Adjectives”

Indefinite Pronouns: Usage and Examples

Indefinite Pronouns are categorized into four types. Universal pronouns: Each, Every, All Each – It refers to two or more person or things. Every – It refers to three or more person or things. All: It refers everything. It occurs before the noun. Examples Each of us should represent our school. Everyone must attend theContinue reading “Indefinite Pronouns: Usage and Examples”

Reflexive Pronoun: Usage and Examples

The reflexive pronouns have self/selves as the prefix. It is used as a replacement for noun as a direct object or an indirect object. Myself, Ourselves, Yourself, Yourselves, Himself, Herself, itself, Themselves. Examples: We must defend ourselves at any time. Take care of yourself. Did you see the snake yourselves? The work should be doneContinue reading “Reflexive Pronoun: Usage and Examples”

Emphatic Interrogative pronouns : Usage and Examples

These pronouns are used to emphasize Interrogative pronouns such as who, what, which. It is used to express harshness in the sentence. Also, it helps to avoid unruly expressions such as the devil, the hell, on earth etc. Ever, Else are emphatic interrogative pronouns. Eg) What the hell was she doing there? The above sentenceContinue reading “Emphatic Interrogative pronouns : Usage and Examples”

Reciprocal pronouns: Rules and usage

The pronouns that are used to express mutual relationship. Each Other – It is used to express the relationship between two people. One Another – It is used to express the relationship between more than two people. Examples: They love each other. The robbers blamed one another after caught by the police. The children huggedContinue reading “Reciprocal pronouns: Rules and usage”

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns are used to point to people or things they stand for. this, that, these, those Singular Plural This These That Those This and That is used to point to something that is located near. Eg) This is our new school. This is the gift. These are the vegetables from our garden. That andContinue reading “Demonstrative Pronouns”

Relative Pronouns

The Relative pronouns are that, who, which, what, whom, why, where,whose Relative Pronoun Usage Example that For people, animals and things I went to the hotel that you told yesterday. who For people (subject) The boy who sang the song is my brother. which For objects and animals She ordered Golden corn pizza which isContinue reading “Relative Pronouns”

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